Česká spořitelna

Project Dohodnuto.cz

In traditional offline terms, a business transaction such as a purchase is a relatively simple operation that we perform on a daily basis. We would never think that there could be anything dangerous about it.

To ensure that both parties - the seller and the buyer - feel equally safe when trading online, you can invite an invisible inspector in the form of a simple web-based platform that will prevent fraud and see that the action runs smoothly.

Česká spořitelna



Česká spořitelna



The primary focus of this platform, which we have developed for Česká spořitelna, is online bazaars and the protection of both trading parties against fraud. Česká spořitelna, as a third party, mediates the bank account for the safe transfer of money when buying the goods / services and releases the money to the seller only after the transaction has been successful. In addition, Česká spořitelna also plays the role of an authority to which the trading parties can turn to resolve any problems regarding the transactions. The platform's ambitions do not stop at online bazaars and its use is potentially much broader.

One of the main features of our solution is that it is not a standalone bazaar, but rather a plugin that is not directly dependent on other systems and can therefore be used virtually anywhere.


Platform functionality

Within the functionality of the platform, the client was mainly interested in a transparent presentation of the user through the entire sales process, a clear presentation of the status of the deal and possible next steps.

Result: the whole system

We implemented the user facing part of the platform, which is connected to the backend implemented by the internal CS team. The challenge in this project was mainly time. We needed to get the platform into the testing phase as quickly as possible to verify or refute various assumptions. The cooperation with the internal CS team was very interesting as they had prepared the project very well. Thanks to this, we already knew before the start of the development how the flow of the application would look like and also what we would need to think about from a technical point of view.



TypeScript, React.js

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